It has been quite a while since I (Yvonne) have written a blog post for our team. I have been pressing in for months now for the grace but now is the time! Since January, I have been reflecting on what has happened (and is happening). The Lord has had me focus surprisingly on a deeper understanding of times and seasons as well as the power, purpose and function of alignment.
As I wrote in a previous blog post, at the beginning of 2018, I had an open vision of angels with blue-colored sashes blowing trumpets in our city. I had a sense that I had stepped back into Revolutionary War times and that I was standing in a General’s tent where strategies were being forged on how to take the city. Fast-forward to the end of 2018, I was prompted by the Lord to write a book about these key prophetic encounters that have been transpiring over the last 30 years as they have been tied to Awakening, Harvest and City Transformation. The reason—He was about to do it again!
Passover to Pentecost 2019
What you would not have known is that I actually finished the book and sent it off to the publishing company during Passover 2019 (5779). A few days thereafter, I heard the Lord “summon me to Pentecost.” It took me a few more days to realize that the celebration He wanted me to attend was actually being held in Jerusalem.