By Yvonne Denise
Awakening is at hand!
I am an American of African descent who “happens” to have been born on Flag Day in Philadelphia during the height of the Civil Rights Movement. I honor our flag, as the Lord has used it as a banner of remembrance of our nation’s covenantal and prophetic destiny; I honor my birthplace as it was founded by William Penn who was a godly man who asked the Lord to establish this nation in his colony; and I honor the era that I was born into. This era has been one of great turbulence, but it has stirred within me a hunger for social justice and a passion for prayer. I was that kid who always asked either “why” or “why not.” I believe that has been a part of my prophetic destiny: to understand times and seasons.
As such, the Lord has taken me on a prophetic journey through the annals of history, particularly the times surrounding the past Great Awakenings. I’ve stepped through time with the first reformers, the Waldensians of Italy, then also the Moravians of Germany, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, and to the beginnings of the second Great Awakening through the eyes of Rev. James McGready and the congregants of his three river churches in Logan County, Kentucky. (The Lord has also taken me to some of the nations/regions of my ancestors including: Ghana, England, France, Germany, and Korea.) He had me write many of these adventures, these God stories, into a book that was just released entitled An Oak of Righteousness: Grafting the Seeds of Destiny into the Root of Covenant. This book showcases His signposts that “speak loudly” that He is about to do it again—another Great Awakening, the Greatest, Great Awakening is at hand!
There was a sense of urgency in His instruction to me to write; and as I traveled again this past January back to the Settlement of Jamestown, one of the covenant roots of this nation, I understood why. The arrival of the first ship carrying African slaves to this British-occupied territory occurred in the year 1619, and this August would mark the 400th year.