
Ephesians4Movement (E4M) is also sharing via LIFE-Scopes! on Periscope/Facebook Live!:

Rosemerry Blash, Director of Daystar Arising Academy, is sharing Important Information about Education & Family on Periscope @RosemerryBlash and on Facebook Live on the 1st Wednesdays at 8:00 PM and Tuesday & Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM.  Catch Rosemerry live or on replay.

Kevin Blash, one of RHM’s Senior Leaders, is sharing “A Father’s Heart To You” on Periscope @Afathersheart2u on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 8:00 PM.  He is sharing on key issues and transforming topics from a father’s perspective; and through hearing his heart, you will truly glean Our Heavenly Father’s love for you. Catch Kevin live or on replay.

Yvonne Hicks, Founder/President of RHM, is sharing God stories on Periscope @YvonneHicks (and also Facebook Live starting in 2018) on the 3rd Wednesdays at 8:00 PM –  This Is That: Makin’ It Plain – catch her live or on replay – check out Facebook Page and RHM Blog Post.

October 2016 – The Fellowship of the King – Fayetteville (Cumberland County)

Re-Digging the Well @ Fayetteville

During a visit with friends John & Camrin Harris of His Gates, I (Yvonne) had a great time of fellowship with several of their leaders. As a result of their prayers and prophecies, “This Is That: Makin’ It Plain” a social media outreach of E4M was birthed and my  face was set towards Fayetteville based on this word from John:

“I see three shovels in the ground digging out a well at the place in the earth where there is like an old river bed and the ground is stony – those wielding the shovels are taking the dirt out to re-dig the well. It looks like the Eastern part of the state. And they were bringing up big shovelfuls and they were bringing it up in perfect unison. I have built houses all over the state, every part of the state has a different color dirt – it looks like Fayetteville and East …

courtesy of

Continue reading October 2016 – The Fellowship of the King – Fayetteville (Cumberland County)

September 2016 – In-between Faith and Favor was War – York County, SC

Warring at “The Gateway to South Carolina”

We asked a friend living in the area for a recommended place to pray in Rock Hill which is the largest city in York County and is nicknamed as The Gateway to South Carolina; she suggested Winthrop University.  After seeking the Lord, that bore witness to my spirit, so we proceeded.

Continue reading September 2016 – In-between Faith and Favor was War – York County, SC