Psalm 145:4 (CJB): Each generation will praise your works to the next and proclaim your mighty acts.
A Decade of Prophecies
For the past 10 years or so, there have been increasing numbers of prophecies about the revival /awakening that would hit the college campuses. Here is the link to one given in September 2017 in Charlotte by Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce.
We know that this revival / awakening will be multi-generational. God named Himself the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And He gives commands and makes promises that are generational.
Several on our team have been positively impacted by either campus ministries or other ministries and churches that embraced the next generation. I (Yvonne) know for me personally, my college years brought both a pit and a palace – the prodigal unleashed and then guilt and shame with the Lord wooing me back all the while. The Lord is faithful and He is a Redeemer.
Many of our natural and spiritual sons and daughters are also shaken during these college years and some ”lose” their faith when bombarded with the humanistic and philosophical teaching of their college professors. It is interesting to note that several of these great battlegrounds fueling hatred for Christianity today were founded as schools to train up ministers of the gospel.
Rise Up Spiritual Fathers & Mothers
So the Lord has impressed upon us and released us to arise and be His voice as spiritual fathers and mothers to the next generations. As Hannah Sheets (Dutch Sheets’ daughter) recently taught us, the Millennials need our voice of wisdom – they need to be taught how to “sit with the Lord under the tree of covenant”. She also noted that these generations also need to not be mocked – or else we indeed will have what we say. The Lord has placed within these generations a passion for social justice – “they were born to be an answer to the chaos!” So let us embrace them, honor them and be taught by Holy Spirit about how to run TOGETHER with them.
Prayer-Walking the land!
So here are some pictures of our team prayer-walking the campuses in our territory – pulling down strongholds, crying out to comfort and protect, digging up prophetic promises, releasing the wind that will draw us together to advance His kingdom and releasing the sound that will establish them in the land.
Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC)
Davidson College
Queens University of Charlotte
University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG)
Two special things about UNCG: 1) one of our team had a vision of revival breaking forth there, and 2) it is the school of one of our members. She blessed us in 2017 to teach at one of our Ephesians4Movement (E4M) Equipping Sessions.
University of South Carolina
Johnson C. Smith University
Clemson University at RHM’s Releasing Joy Outreach
We were blessed that a group of Clemson students “just so happened” to explore Charlotte on the day of our Releasing Joy Outreach. Click their picture below to watch a short video clip of their worshiping our King with us! Very awesome!!!

Links to reports of Past walks:
University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC)
Wake and Durham Counties – Meredith, Shaw, NC Central
Iredell County – Mitchell Community College in Statesville