Warring at “The Gateway to South Carolina”
We asked a friend living in the area for a recommended place to pray in Rock Hill which is the largest city in York County and is nicknamed as The Gateway to South Carolina; she suggested Winthrop University. After seeking the Lord, that bore witness to my spirit, so we proceeded.
The Little Chapel on Founders Lane
We set the date, booked the room, did our usual research, and made our first stop The Little Chapel on Founders Lane which dated back to 1823. The Little Chapel was first designed and built as the stable/carriage house of a mansion in downtown Columbia. That mansion was purchased in 1830 by the Presbyterian Synod for the Columbia Theological Seminary. Then in 1886, while the Seminary was closed due to a religious dispute, the founder of Winthrop requested to use it as its first classroom for the inaugural year of its training school for women teachers.
It was only used as such for one year. Then many years later, in 1927, after the chapel had been abandoned, the college petitioned to move it from Columbia to Rock Hill, which it did brick by brick. The chapel was so significant to the school that its founder and his wife are interred there now.
We also had heard a personal testimony from a former student about angelic activity there, so we planted ourselves in its public art display area to pray onsite before going into the Barnes Recital Hall to add in live worship.
Stepping into history and into war
Not only had the chapel been surrounded by dissension, but South Carolina herself has a long history of war and division. From the Spanish conquistadors who were some of the early explorers who left a trail of brutal acts to even modern times, the land has been overshadowed by pride, greed, and contentions. And in the midst of it all, the Scots-Irish Presbyterians also settled in the York County area, after first fleeing religious persecution in Europe and then high prices in the North. There is always seed!
There were Indian wars as the Catawbas, who were native to the area, although friendly to the settlers, were a warring tribe to the other surrounding Indian nations. There were also the horrors that came with enslaving the African people as well as the tension from splitting the colony once known simply as Carolina into North and South.
The American Revolutionary War also brought fierce battles to the York County area including the one on Kings Mountain that is said to have turned the tide towards victory. History reports that there were more dead, more wounded and more widows in South Carolina. And then there was the Civil War – South Carolina was the first to secede; and Charleston was the city where the first shot of the war rang out.

Issuing another decree
South Carolina is also one of two states with no recognition of the Lord in its constitution; and since I moved to Charlotte, I always sensed an atmosphere of poverty and oppression over her. BUT we issued another decree for her, agreeing with the prayers released by Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce and others as recorded in their book Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation, plus those of the many thriving churches and ministries that call South Carolina home:
- “Instead of secession, South Carolina will lead in intercession” – in recent years, they removed the Confederate flag from their capitol building;
- “You are a gatekeeper and doorkeeper for the Lord” – we have seen her lead the way with her response to the tragedy of the Charleston 9;
- “You are going to move with Me and liberty will come from South Carolina” – the growing economies in York County are indicative of a shift taking place – indeed, let freedom ring!
Distractions, Knighted Angels & Coronation
Our live worship time, however, had several interesting challenges. We were fighting through sicknesses on the team plus there were several very unusual distractions. It lasted the entire time and we worship for a solid three hours.
Even still, our worship was breaking through in the midst of what felt like a whirlwind, even a few students who drifted in were being blessed, plus I could feel the presence of knighted angels. I had been seeing them out of the corner of my eyes for several weeks. I asked the team to meditate about our new angelic company and I also sought the Lord for several days alone and with some of our senior leaders about what fine-tuning we obviously needed to do regarding our prayer outreaches. I could sense that the season had changed. I had even had a meeting with everyone earlier that month to describe some of the shifts I could sense had already happened.
And with pressing through, there is always more favor – there were several positive strategic outcomes: 1) confirmation about angels in battle gear was found on page 244 of Chuck’s new book A Time to Triumph (Klancy saw them in one of her dreams); 2) during the E4M service that next Sunday, the Lord walked into our meeting room with more knighted angels and presented me with a crown – I knew that was an official coronation but I didn’t know what it meant – then I found out in October that one of the Hebrew numbers for the new year 5777 was a zayin which was a picture of a crowned sword – a new mantle of favor and authority – and major revivals have occurred in zayin years including the outpouring on the Moravians in Hernhutt; and 3) I also recently found out that many leaders in the Body testified that the Lord had them reassess their strategies & alignments so they could be more fully equipped, empowered, with ALL in the right positions for the season ahead – it is harvest time! So in-between faith and favor, there is War! But it is to a good end if we heed and obey.
2017 IS our best year EVER!
When we crossed over into the civil new year of 2017, while watching the replays of Glory of Zion’s Start the Year Off Right Conference, I heard two encouraging prophecies: 1) That “17” means victory and this year would be one of promises fulfilled; and 2) The Lord Himself was coming as a warrior with His sword drawn and with a breaker anointing to breakthrough for each of us!
Revelation 19: 11-16 NIV
11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns.He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter. ”He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
In-between faith and favor, there is War! Hold fast, take heed and obey – reassess your alignments – strengthen, reaffirm, shift – so that ALL can move forward in VICTORY! It’s TIME!!!!