January 2017 – Releasing Fresh Dew from Past Glory – Wake & Durham Counties

Releasing the Lord’s Presence, Peace, Power & Authority

During Martin Luther King weekend, our team did a combined Worship Gathering/Strategic Prayer Outing in Wake & Durham counties.

Our Vision

In the preceding months there had been a good amount of contention over the Governor’s race which had centered on these two counties. Wake County is home to NC’s State Capitol and Durham County had some alleged voting mishaps.  A lot of the battle for the Governor’s race centered on the transgender debates sparked by  the City of Charlotte’s bathroom ordinance. There was response from even outside of NC, both nationally and internationally. So we wanted to place the Lord’s Crowned Sword in these counties and decree that Jesus is Lord over our Cities, Counties and State; and that it is His Truth, His Love, His Governance that will ultimately prevail. Not by might, not by power but by His Spirit (Zech. 4:6-7). Continue reading January 2017 – Releasing Fresh Dew from Past Glory – Wake & Durham Counties

December 2016 – Cherokee Nation Prayer Walk NC/GA- Reversing the Decree!

Cherokee Nation – Murphy, NC & New Echota, GA

Report by Lisa Flynn

Cherokee Removal Act & the Trail of Tears

This past summer I was praying over our state and reading about the Cherokee Removal Act which led to the Trail of Tears. I started to cry. I don’t cry over hardly anything but this came from deep inside me.  I believe my spirit man was picking up that this was something that still grieved the Lord. Continue reading December 2016 – Cherokee Nation Prayer Walk NC/GA- Reversing the Decree!

November 2016 – Wind & Fire Blowing – Rowan County, NC

Rebuilding An Altar of Fire

2 Chronicles 7: 1-2, 12-14 (NKJV)

When Solomon had finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.[a] And the priests could not enter the house of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord’s house. … 12 Then the Lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said to him: “I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice. 13 When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

God, Country, Family!

Rowan County is representative of the heartbeat of America. It is a place where you can truly sense the importance of God, country and family. When you drive through it,  there is an aspect of the Lord’s glory there in the quietness and beauty of the countryside. They still hold wonderful Fourth of July parades, and even have a town called Faith. Continue reading November 2016 – Wind & Fire Blowing – Rowan County, NC

October 2016 – The Fellowship of the King – Fayetteville (Cumberland County)

Re-Digging the Well @ Fayetteville

During a visit with friends John & Camrin Harris of His Gates, I (Yvonne) had a great time of fellowship with several of their leaders. As a result of their prayers and prophecies, “This Is That: Makin’ It Plain” a social media outreach of E4M was birthed and my  face was set towards Fayetteville based on this word from John:

“I see three shovels in the ground digging out a well at the place in the earth where there is like an old river bed and the ground is stony – those wielding the shovels are taking the dirt out to re-dig the well. It looks like the Eastern part of the state. And they were bringing up big shovelfuls and they were bringing it up in perfect unison. I have built houses all over the state, every part of the state has a different color dirt – it looks like Fayetteville and East …

courtesy of Gizmo.com

Continue reading October 2016 – The Fellowship of the King – Fayetteville (Cumberland County)

September 2016 – In-between Faith and Favor was War – York County, SC

Warring at “The Gateway to South Carolina”

We asked a friend living in the area for a recommended place to pray in Rock Hill which is the largest city in York County and is nicknamed as The Gateway to South Carolina; she suggested Winthrop University.  After seeking the Lord, that bore witness to my spirit, so we proceeded.

Continue reading September 2016 – In-between Faith and Favor was War – York County, SC

August 2016 – Philadelphia & Wilmington, DE – Gates, God Stories & Answered Prayer

Gates, God Stories & Answered Prayer

An Invitation

I (Yvonne) was invited by my spiritual sister Susan Napier of First Love Ministries to join her for a Prophetic Conference in Philadelphia at Walk in Light Christian Center where her mom, my spiritual mom Ann Strickland, is an elder. I was both honored and delighted as Susan takes very seriously who she ministers with and Philly is my hometown.

college3 Continue reading August 2016 – Philadelphia & Wilmington, DE – Gates, God Stories & Answered Prayer

August 2016 – Shaking the Media Mountain – Hearst Tower Prayer Walk


Aligning Media with the Spirit of Truth

Written by Lisa Flynn

I had a dream…snakes

I had a dream about a snake being chased away but it left babies behind. This happened at the same time Roger Ailes was asked to step down from Fox News over charges of sexual harassment. I was concerned about one person leaving only to be replaced by many others just as bad. Then I found out Rupert Murdoch and his sons would be stepping in. Since Murdoch is not known for ethics I felt it was time to pray over the media again. Continue reading August 2016 – Shaking the Media Mountain – Hearst Tower Prayer Walk

Summer 2016 – Epicentre in Uptown Charlotte (Mecklenburg County) – Gender, Bathrooms & Love

Worship in the Spirit and in Truth

John 4:23, Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 

We held two Rebuilding an Altar of Fire Worship & Prayer Gatherings this summer (June and August) at the Epicentre in Uptown Charlotte. The very place seems to communicate that what makes you feel good is the center of everything.

Continue reading Summer 2016 – Epicentre in Uptown Charlotte (Mecklenburg County) – Gender, Bathrooms & Love

July 2016 – Gathering of Eagles Part 2 – Greensboro (Piedmont Triad)

Releasing the Strategies of Heaven

Why Greensboro and Piedmont Triad

RHM went to Greensboro back in February to release Worship & Prayer in Guilford County as a part of our “Go County to County” mandate from the Lord. We also were blessed to equip others from Greensboro as well as New Jersey and South Carolina in apostolic and prophetic intercession.

In preparation for what we called A Gathering of Eagles, we did some spiritual recon of the city and amongst other things we visited the Battlefield of Guilford Courthouse, the Civil Rights Museum,  and the statue of the Greensboro Four at NC A&T – we came to see how Greensboro had an “open portal for strategic warfare at a level that impacted our entire nation”.  Continue reading July 2016 – Gathering of Eagles Part 2 – Greensboro (Piedmont Triad)