Carrefour Faille, Haiti – December 2014

Haiti Mission Prep Trip Report

During the last week of 2014, a small advance team was sent to Haiti to do the legwork required for RHM’s Worship & Prayer Outreach to Carrefour Faille in February 2015. With the help of JJ, MHJ’s Field Director for Haiti, Zacharie from the Mission School in Carrefour Faille, a couple of local youth pastors, and Rose Marie, a site was located and plans are underway for permits, security, sound and such. Continue reading Carrefour Faille, Haiti – December 2014

December 2014 Gathering

Saturday, December 6, 2014 – Releasing a Whirlwind of His Glory to END SLAVERY IN CHARLOTTE – At Charlotte 24-7 in support of their ESC Launch

ESC exists to raise awareness about modern day slavery & to connect people with a wide variety of ongoing involvement opportunities in the fight against human trafficking on the local front. Activism.  Action.  Advocacy.


Continue reading December 2014 Gathering

North Charleston and College of Charleston

Pastor TJ and Charleston Revival Tabernacle

Back in May while we were planning our summer outreaches, the Lord put Pastor TJ and Charleston Revival Tabernacle on my (Yvonne’s) heart. Pastor TJ had graciously let us use his church facility for a Strategic Prayer teaching session hosted by some of our Charleston friends back in March 2014.

The Lord took me back to  that weekend and reminded me how Continue reading North Charleston and College of Charleston

November 2014 Gathering

Saturday, November 15, 2014 –Embracing the Whirlwind of Heaven: Unlocking the Seeds of Destiny!

 Warring to enter His Rest!

Our November Gathering was held towards the end of the Month of Cheshvan on God’s calendar. Cheshvan is the month of Noah’s flood – the month it started in one year and also the month the waters subsided in the next. We also were moving along in a new year on God’s calendar – a year known as a shemitah year, a year of rest.  Two revelations stirred us that seemed to hold the key to how to Continue reading November 2014 Gathering

Prayer Journey to Italy – Releasing from the Waldensian People the Blessing of Faith, Prophecy, Prayer & Forgiveness

A Kislev Firstfruits Offering to the Lord

“I want you to go to a town in the Northwest corner of Italy near the border of France”

This is what I (Yvonne) heard in my spirit.  I immediately said yes, did some research but I didn’t seem to find “the town” so I set it aside. However the impressions grew in intensity. I “happened” to read Peter Wagner’s Queen’s Domain book during this time and I began to understand the significance of what was happening throughout Europe. And in June, I even found another prayer journey companion – while at Glory of Zion in TX on the last day of the Pentecost Celebration Conference, I become re-acquainted with Stephanie, an elder, now pastor, that I knew over 24 years ago. Upon mentioning this impression from the Lord, she immediately said “I believe I am to go with you”. But where was that exactly? Continue reading Prayer Journey to Italy – Releasing from the Waldensian People the Blessing of Faith, Prophecy, Prayer & Forgiveness

Community Revivals – UNC Charlotte – October 2014


“Come in King of Glory” 

“Praying for the Future of Our Region”

In planning our Outreaches in the summer of 2014, we wanted to impact every socio-economic strata and every cultural mountain of influence. That June, we had conducted a Strategic Prayer Outing to UNC Charlotte to support our outreach in North Charlotte as  historically that community had  been the industrial and business section of the city. (UNC Charlotte is a heavy producer of new business talent for our region and the University area itself now hosts several major companies in several business and industry parks.)

Then that August, we received the go-ahead from Holy Spirit to plant a stake of Worship in the ground on the Mountain of Education and shortly thereafter, we heard this confirming word from Chuck Pierce. Continue reading Community Revivals – UNC Charlotte – October 2014

Moravian Falls – September 2014

Prayer Mountain @ Moravian Falls, NC

“Come to the Mountain of the Lord!”

Recently, during the Month of Av, the month when Israel listened to the report of the 10 spies and did not enter into the Promised Land, many decrees went forth about reversing the curse, redeeming the time and possessing our inheritance.  So my ears were quickened when Lisa, RHM Strategic Prayer Outing Co-Leader, came across a word released by Doug Addison about Restoring Our Lost Inheritances which specifically mentioned NC – that is Moravian Falls, NC – see excerpt below:

A Cowboy Comes Home

I had a prophetic dream where I was standing in one of the geographic places where God is restoring the original calling. It looked like Moravian Falls, North Carolina. A man dressed like a cowboy came walking in with a milk cow. The cow had a blue blanket over it. Continue reading Moravian Falls – September 2014

Camp Greene Community Outreach – Hosted by Purcell UMC – August 2014

“Come in King of Glory”

We greeted the community on behalf of a Son who loved His Father enough to give Him the gift of many sons and many daughters through His sacrifice on the cross. We shouted out John 3:16:  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. We welcomed the Son to be with us by His Spirit.

So we welcomed Our King of Glory to Camp Greene, we welcomed Holy Spirit, we welcomed the gift of eternal life! Continue reading Camp Greene Community Outreach – Hosted by Purcell UMC – August 2014

Charlotte Community Revival – Beatties Ford Road – July 2014

“Come in King of Glory”

The Queens Mini Mart is known in the neighborhood as being a drug dealer hang out and several women who attend the church up the street say that they walk several blocks out of their way to avoid coming past this store. We chose to have an Outreach at this location because back in December the brother-in-law of the mayor of Columbia, SC was shot and killed execution style right there in the parking lot in the middle of a weekday afternoon. In fact, over the past few years,  several young men have been killed at or near this location.

A small advanced team had come out to this area several times to both pray over the actual spot(s) where the young men have been killed and to canvas the neighborhood up the street to let them know that the Lord loved them and was with them. Continue reading Charlotte Community Revival – Beatties Ford Road – July 2014

Charlotte Community Revival – North Charlotte – June 2014

“Come in King of Glory”

This outreach had been caught up in a whirlwind of spiritual warfare over several weeks -from the permit, to sound, to tables & chairs, to barricades, to the weather, and through personal challenges experienced by many on the team – but the Lord prevailed!!

We entered in on behalf of North Charlotte by decreeing that we are not orphans and that we are not forgotten; that through faith in Jesus Christ, we are sons of God. And if sons, then we are led by Holy Spirit. So we sought through worship, testimony and ministry to introduce/re-introduce Holy Spirit, the One who came in like a mighty rushing wind on the Day of Pentecost, the One who is the seven-fold Spirit of God: The Spirit of the Lord, The Spirit of Jesus, and The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. And from Isaiah 61, we prophesied that He is The One who had anointed us to bring good news and comfort to North Charlotte, to bind up the brokenhearted and to give beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for heaviness, and to call forth this community, to those who would believe, as oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord.  Continue reading Charlotte Community Revival – North Charlotte – June 2014