Saturday, November 15, 2014 –Embracing the Whirlwind of Heaven: Unlocking the Seeds of Destiny!
Warring to enter His Rest!
Our November Gathering was held towards the end of the Month of Cheshvan on God’s calendar. Cheshvan is the month of Noah’s flood – the month it started in one year and also the month the waters subsided in the next. We also were moving along in a new year on God’s calendar – a year known as a shemitah year, a year of rest. Two revelations stirred us that seemed to hold the key to how to embrace God’s whirlwind that was unlocking, or rather shifting us, into our long-awaited destinies. So in a whirlwind of worship and praise, we loosed the revelations and made prophetic decrees.
One of the aligned ones of Glory of Zion had this revelation about the month of Chesvan: “there is no way that anyone would have suspected anything remotely like what God did in the flood. Indeed, it was a ‘never before and never again’ event. God emphasized, ‘Lean not on your own understanding.’ God did not choose to try to explain everything that was going to happen. He just told Noah to build an ark. Because Noah followed what God said, which by the way went beyond his understanding, there was an ark prepared so that God could shut the door and launch them into the future.”
Chuck Pierce gave this word about the shemitah year, the year where Israel does not plow or harvest, but lets the land rest: “Since I am not growing crops, I kept asking the Lord what this means for me, here and now. As I began to follow the revelatory path of ‘rest’, I found that rest is trusting Him fully, so that we are no longer relying on our own understanding, but on His wisdom. Fully trusting Him is the number one preparation for anything that comes, especially the unexpected. The shemitah is the window of opportunity for us to cease operating in the present structures on autopilot, thinking they will continue as they are, and thinking that we have to continue to operate that way in our society. This is the year to come into His council in glory and get the plans for His structures that are life giving and do not shake. We have to be ready to step in to form God’s structures whenever structures shake down.”
Then we took the words and decrees Dutch Sheets, Bev Mattox, and Paul Keith Davis from Head of the Year Conference, agreed with them, voted for them, and warred over their being unlocked on our behalf, as it truly is a season of/to:
- Giving birth to the dreams and visions of the Lord;
- Travail and prevail
- Desolate cities being restored by the remnant
- Walk under a finishing anointing to finish well
- New mantles, higher prophetic revelation and the authority to dismantle structures and to build by the words of our mouth being released
- The treasury of heaven being opened: the Bride being inside the Lord’s heart, the harvest being found and mature sons being uncovered.
- Awakening revival and fresh release of signs, wonders and miracles
Our hearts cried out in particular for the Education Mountain; and as a prophetic act, we prayed, prophesied, and laid hands on the teachers in our midst. We also covered our upcoming ministry training in North Charleston, our prayer walk through the College of Charleston, our continued work in the Camp Greene community, and our upcoming mission trip to Haiti. We also sent out the team going to Italy on the strategic prayer journey to capture the blessing of the Waldensians with Scripture, impressions and prophecy – read more.
Before we ended, our watch leader shared the vision she saw during worship of the Lord establishing His kingdom, house to house. She had seen members of what appeared to be a large local denominational church, casting aside their religious garbs and protocol, and falling, weeping at the altar. She then saw them returning to their homes wrapped in a dew of humility, taking up the Word of God, and worshiping Him there.
We say yes Lord, so be it!