Answered Prayer – Billy Graham Library Re-post from February 2014

Honoring Our Spiritual Fathers

Lou Engle and The Call are hosting an Azusa East Awakening Gathering/Encounter in Charlotte in 2018. Lou mentioned stepping into the mantle of Billy Graham. As I am sure for many  of us who live in the Charlotte Metro Region, this is an answer to prayer.

We are re-posting our Strategic Prayer Outing Report from February 2014. Continue reading Answered Prayer – Billy Graham Library Re-post from February 2014

Memorial Day: Honoring Our Fallen

We searched and searched our area’s event pages looking to participate in something that would honor our military during Memorial Day weekend. And alas, what we found were fun family days – carnivals, fairs, cookouts –  so we decided to do something.

Freedom Isn’t Free – May We Never Forget!

Our team gathered on Memorial Day at St. Mary’s Chapel in Charlotte as it shared location with the Mecklenburg County Vietnam Veterans Memorial and we offered up worship to our Lord and prayers for all those who served, especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in all wars and during peace times,  and for their precious families.


Continue reading Memorial Day: Honoring Our Fallen

May 2016 – Greenville County SC – Releasing the Blessings of Generosity, Hospitality & Entrepreneurship

Paris Mountain and Reedy River

A Land of Generosity, Hospitality and Entrepreneurship

First these blessings flowed through the Cherokees to a settler named Richard Pearis – around 1770, he married a Cherokee woman and received 100,000 acres in the once-forbidden Cherokee Hunting Ground. In that land Pearis established a plantation on the Reedy River which is now downtown Greenville and built a couple of mills and a trading post – it is said he lived the life of a prince.

After the Revolutionary War, portions of the land changed hands a couple of times until 1815 when it was sold to Vardry McBee of Lincolnton, NC who became known as the father of Greenville. Although McBee was an absentee landlord, he understood how to grow a community. “He gave land for the first schools (the Greenville Male and Female Academies), for the first four churches (Episcopal, Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian), and he established a brick yard, rock quarry, and saw mill, in addition to corn and grist mills, a tannery, and a large general store. Seven miles south of town he built a paper factory and cotton and woolen mills. Alston’s former home became a boarding house for the summer visitors who were making the little village a summer resort.”  (Excerpt from Greenville

So we started our prayer journey at Paris Mountain named after Richard Pearis. Continue reading May 2016 – Greenville County SC – Releasing the Blessings of Generosity, Hospitality & Entrepreneurship

Haiti & The Center of It All – A New Song Arising!

 A New Song Arising: The Former “Voodoo Capital of the World”,  The Earthquake BUT Now The Spirit of the Lord  & The Beautiful Children of Haiti (“Ayiti”)!

2010 – Rock Slipping Upward under Léogâne ,  “The Voodoo Capital of the World”

On January 12, 2010 at 4:53 PM a 7.0 magnitude earthquake, which was soon followed by aftershocks of 5.9 and 5.5 magnitude, left a country in ruins and a people in crisis.


“The earthquake was generated by contractional deformation along the Léogâne fault, a small hidden thrust fault discovered underneath the city of Léogâne. Many geologists contend that the earthquake resulted from the slippage of rock upward across its plane of fracture. Being so close to the epicentre, the city of Léogâne was essentially leveled.” (Encyclopaedia Britannica)

It was estimated that some three million people were affected by the quake—nearly one-third of the country’s total population. Death toll estimates ranged as high as 316,000, and it has been reported that tens of thousands of children were orphaned during or as a result of the after-effects of the earthquake.

Continue reading Haiti & The Center of It All – A New Song Arising!

Rebuilding An Altar of Fire – What’s Coming Up!

Revelation – Power – Increase.

We are in a New Season in God’s Timing. On His calendar, we have just passed Pentecost where His Fire, His Glory, His Revelation is made manifest – first on Mount Sinai, then in the Upper Room, throughout the history of the Church with fresh outpourings, to NOW! We say “we believe and we agree Lord!”

Will you join with us as we rebuild an altar for His fire? Continue reading Rebuilding An Altar of Fire – What’s Coming Up!

February/March 2016 – Greensboro (Guilford County) & Strategic Warfare

A Gathering of Eagles, Part 1:  Equipping for Apostolic/Prophetic Worship & Prayer

To fulfill our county-to-county mandate for Guilford County, we reconnected with a friend, Darrell Nicholson, in the latter part of 2015.  Darrell was immediately excited about our coming to Worship & Pray for his county;  he even asked us to expand our time there to include some training and we agreed. Continue reading February/March 2016 – Greensboro (Guilford County) & Strategic Warfare

January 2016 – Beaufort County: Becoming “Scouts & Spies” to Thwart Our Enemy!

Praying for our Eastern Seaboard  – He Trains Our Hands for War!

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Harriet Tubman, Haitian Soldiers & The Marines…

We ventured down to the Sea Isles of Beaufort County on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday celebration weekend to a region we found out that Dr. King actually frequented to both rest and strategize with his team  during the Civil Rights Movement.  One of our main intents that weekend was to pray for protection over our Eastern seaboard.  There had already been an unctioning to do so; and then different prophetic voices warned of possible trouble coming through our Carolinian Coastal Cities.

Continue reading January 2016 – Beaufort County: Becoming “Scouts & Spies” to Thwart Our Enemy!

November/December RHM BiMonthly Update

RHM BiMonthly Update

Reporting on “High Level Assignments” Plus “E4M Monthly Equipping Sessions” Launches This Sunday, January 31st

Watching God’s power!

Just days after our Worship & Prayer Outing on the Sea Isles of Beaufort County, SC that focused in part on protection for and a spiritual awakening of the East Coast, where visions of expansive heavenly lightnings and a translucent armor-like veil being hung along the full length of our coastline were seen in the spirit, the headlines read: “East Coast braces for heavy snow, epic blizzard”. The Lord quickened me that the strengthening of this storm was a response to the prayers we offered up – He said some things are being delayed, some things are being cancelled, some things are being stilled, some things are being cleansed. Continue reading November/December RHM BiMonthly Update

December 2015 – Lake Norman and The Catawba River

Rolling on The River: Decreeing Healing & Restoration to The Catawba River!

As a follow-up to our Staking Our Future Worship & Prayer Gathering held in Gaston County where we focused on the endangered Catawba River, we decided to pray for the River while on the River. The Lord pointed us towards Lake Norman, the closest head water in our area, where the River takes a turn South from its origin in Western NC (Blue Ridge Mountains). Lake Norman is the largest man-made lake off the River and is home to three different types of dams.  Continue reading December 2015 – Lake Norman and The Catawba River

December 2015 – Concord (Cabarrus County) – Gathering & Commissioning

Prophesying Victory & Triumph to Cabarrus County – Welcome Holy Spirit!

Chuck Pierce

“We are in war. Without the restraining force of Holy Spirit being present, the enemy has access. … We are in a new movement where a triumphant people have to rise up. .. We must understand that the only resisting force in the earth – it’s not being religious, it’s not going to church – it’s Holy Spirit amongst us and in us!”  Continue reading December 2015 – Concord (Cabarrus County) – Gathering & Commissioning