Prayer Mountain @ Moravian Falls, NC
“Come to the Mountain of the Lord!”
Recently, during the Month of Av, the month when Israel listened to the report of the 10 spies and did not enter into the Promised Land, many decrees went forth about reversing the curse, redeeming the time and possessing our inheritance. So my ears were quickened when Lisa, RHM Strategic Prayer Outing Co-Leader, came across a word released by Doug Addison about Restoring Our Lost Inheritances which specifically mentioned NC – that is Moravian Falls, NC – see excerpt below:
A Cowboy Comes Home
I had a prophetic dream where I was standing in one of the geographic places where God is restoring the original calling. It looked like Moravian Falls, North Carolina. A man dressed like a cowboy came walking in with a milk cow. The cow had a blue blanket over it.
The cowboy was singing a song to the Lord, “You are my blanket and I love you…” He sang it to the country tune “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.” As he sang this song, it activated something in the spiritual realm and the area came alive.
The blue blanket represents the prophetic covering and calling over places like Moravian Falls, North Carolina and others. The cow refers to new provision and revelation from God.
So we designated our September outing for a road trip there. And in preparation, we started doing some research of the area. I personally had never been there although several ministries have planted mission posts there and many believers have travelled many miles to visit. Some of the prophetic words leading people there were amazingly sharp and accurate; and some of the angelic encounters there have been profound.

Indeed we found that there was a geographic inheritance in the land left by Count Zinzendorf and the Moravian settlers, who planted communities in both Winston Salem, NC and Bethlehem, PA. And the Moravians left a heritage rich with over 100 years of keeping the Lord’s Watch faithfully and loving not their lives until death through their wholehearted missionary work.
In the midst of all of this discovery, I began to recall how I had spent much of my youth connected to a Moravian church in Philadelphia; and it struck me that I was living in the town of Bethlehem, PA which Count Zinzendorf founded in 1742, when I had the prophetic dream/vision of apostolic teams of worshipping warriors releasing the anointing for the effective evangelism of towns and villages(neighborhoods and communities).
We also found that there was a connection to the Waldensians whose settlement in Valdese, NC we just visited a few weeks prior (for an update on our prayer journey to Italy to visit the base of the Waldensian community – visit our blog). At least nine of the founders of the Moravian brethren had asked the Waldensians to ordain them into ministry because they honored their faith and organization.
So we ventured forth to Prayer Mountain with great expectation!
(some photos courtesy of
On The Mountain!
Shortly upon settling in on the prayer platform, Becky, RHM Ministry Team Leader, asked that we first move into identificational and even personal repentance as did our Moravian brothers. So we cried out about the discord within the church and we repented for our words, thoughts and actions that we had unleashed against our brothers and sisters in Christ. We also repented on behalf of the church for embracing idolatry, false doctrines and for not yielding to Holy Spirit and the Scriptures.
We cried out for revival and released “Wakey, Wakey” decrees! We prayed for a stirring up of fervency for worship, prayer and missions. We shouted aloud for an awakening for the Church and for our nation. We then stepped into a place of alignment with the heart of the Moravian community even to likewise being a ragtag crew who does not consider themselves a church but instead simply followers of Christ called to do our part in discipling the nations.
We worshipped and prayed and nature joined in – even a hornet settled in our midst and at times looked like it was bowing in prayer. As we ended the music, the hornet left much to my extreme pleasure. We lightheartedly made reference to our region’s role in helping to change the course of the American Revolutionary War in part through the skirmish the Charlotteans had with Lord Cornwallis. Instead of planting himself in Charlotte as he had planned, Cornwallis and his troops only lasted 16 days there and left calling our area “A Hornet’s Nest of Rebellion”.
We originally dismissed the importance of this sign until our very recent October outing (report to follow next month), when we spotted a hornet flying outside the window of where we had gathered to pray – we were on the 7th floor and hornets typically won’t fly beyond a tree top. So some further research revealed:
- Three Scripture references for hornets – Ex 23:28; Dt 7:20; Josh 24:12, wherein the Lord miraculously intervened in battle on behalf of the Israelites as they fought to take their Promised Land. One example, Ex 23:20,27,28: “Behold, I send an angel before thee, to keep thee by the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. …. I will send my terror before thee, and will discomfit all the people to whom thou shalt come, and I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee. And I will send the hornet before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee”;
- Reports of how the region’s militia style fighting, from which it received the Hornet’s nest name, enabled, in one of its “skirmishes”, a small team of 14 militia to defeat 300 better armed and better trained men with 60 wagons. Also, the unity of their efforts across the region disrupted the enemy’s communication and allowed for the defeat of the British troops at King’s Mountain, which Thomas Jefferson called “the turn of the tide of success” in the war;
- In the natural, hornets are the top predators of the insect world; as a colony, they prey on the most annoying and even harmful insects. They are called the eagles of the insects….in Germany they are a protected species for that reason.
So Lord we declare that we, your ragtag militia, this small company of your Triumphant Reserve, will defeat our enemies through strategic prayer & worship warfare, disrupting their communication and permanently binding their influence and advancement; and we O Lord receive the strength of Your Hand and the help of Your warring angels to fight on our behalf as we advance Your Kingdom and enter into the Promises you have ordained for us!