The Journey
Over the years the Lord has given me, RHM Founder Yvonne Hicks, dreams, visions and prophetic words about the season the Church has just entered into. One of the primary ones was the open vision I had in 1990 about apostolic teams being released to unleash the atmosphere of heaven in the towns and villages (neighborhoods and communities) where we were being sent. As the Lord does, He adds clarity as we move along our journey (also see Our Vision and Mission Statements. I have included some of that journey in this article to encourage you – what you have been progressively sensing along your path is a prelude to the outpouring we are entering into. As Dutch Sheets summarized while at Glory of Zion in January 2015, we have now entered into “The Fullness of Time”:
“There’s a new level of apostolic grace being released spiritually and physically…There’s grace and there’s great grace. There’s grace and there’s abundant grace. 2 Corinthians 9:8, ‘And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.’ …
‘My apostolic church will arise in new ways in this season.’
“You will see the power of God like never before …When you speak it, it happens. When you pronounce things over your region, over your city, over your community, your words will take on more authority…We have moved through a kairos window.
“We now stand at a ‘fullness of time’…No more delay!”
2000: Vision of “Fiery balls of white light hitting about 20 key cities.”
“Nations are shaped by their key cities. 90% of the cities targeted by Paul were key centers of Government. We are called to do both, win souls and disciple nations…God told the Israelites that they either deal with the spirits occupying the land or those spirits ‘that you let remain will be pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides.'” (Numbers 33:55) (Excerpt from Lance Wallnau blog via Facebook, April 16, 2015)

2004: Vision of herd of wild horses running hard, fast and free across the plains of TX towards the East Coast – Revival is coming out of TX!
2008: Word from the Lord “I called you as a watchman”

2010: Dream of Watch Fires being lit
Had a dream of watch fires being lit across the northern border of U.S. starting in Oregon/Washington area and then down the East Coast. I also saw the Carolinas and TN on fire for the Lord as well as other centers in TX, NM and Atlanta, GA.
I (Yvonne) followed through on that dream and visited Oregon and Washington state in September 2010. I drove up and down the highway alongside the Columbia River prophesying a fresh release of this watchman anointing. There was such a pioneer spirit hanging in the atmosphere, full of passion, purpose and persevering endurance.
Dream of a Dream plus “Align with Chuck Pierce”.
Had two dreams in October 2012.
One was tied to a dream/vision that I had back in 1990 of apostolic teams being sent out under a glory cloud produced from fervent worship & spiritual warfare. This dream shouted to my surprised and trembling spirit that now was the appointed time, the set time, to stand as a watchman for this nation, my state, my family and issue His decrees – now was the time to release His sound, to release fervent worship, fervent prayer, to align and agree with heaven – to release heaven on earth! And so, “Releasing Heaven Ministries (RHM)” was born.
The other dream was tied to the”apostolic” team itself – a clear order to: “Invite your family; I am preparing a table for them”.
Then I heard the Lord say “Align with Chuck Pierce” and attend the Conference at the end of the year. I didn’t know what the Lord meant by “align” so I started searching on Glory of Zion’s website and found the Conference for the end of the year and booked my ticket. And then after further research, I found that indeed there were several ways to “align”.
Visit to Hilton Head – Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.
That December, I (Yvonne) just so happened to visit Hilton Head with Beverly Lockhart, and during a spontaneous time of prayer, I saw Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. I never heard of Harriet Tubman being in Hilton Head so I looked it up on the spot. And indeed, she was sent there as a spy and recruiter of scouts. I sensed that the Lord was showing me that Releasing Heaven Ministries was to be a part of His foundational, spiritual railroad that would lead His people into freedom, aka their God-given destiny!
Mantling by Randy and Edie Nelson
Through friends Mark & Julie Woodward, I (Yvonne) received a mantling for ministry by Randy & Edie Nelson, Bridges to the Nations. Some of the words of prophecy released were confirmation – an anointing to convene people, to lay hands on people that “will move folks”. They confirmed that many cities would be touched including those in VA and even northern cities. They also saw other nations and that our impact would be more far-reaching than anticipated.
2013: Commissioned as a Ministry of Zion
We aligned with Chuck Pierce right after receiving our approved non-profit status from NC. So in addition to being personally aligned, our ministry is aligned as both a Ministry of Zion and a House of Zion.
As a House of Zion, we meet several times a month to webcast Glory of Zion services both as a group and individually. I (Yvonne) received that commissioning in November 2012.
Then as a Ministry of Zion, Rose and I were honored to be commissioned at Glory of Zion as RHM representatives in June 2013.
Since the very beginning of our alignment, RHM has been deeply refreshed and gloriously enriched by finding “our troop” – fellow Watchmen with an apostolic covering as well as an apostolic, prophetic and teaching foundation – those who understand the times and know what to do – the Lord gave Chuck the term “a triumphant reserve”. And the confirming revelations of “One New Man” and on how to get back onto God’s calendar and into His cycle of blessing has transformed our lives. We are so grateful to Chuck, his apostolic council and all of the members of Glory of Zion.
Commissioning ceremony
“Pinpoint where you are and draw a circle and you will go north, south, east and west” – Prophetic Word for Ministry from Chuck Pierce
(Since March 2017, we are also now aligned with Chuck Pierce via Global Spheres, Inc.)
2014 – 2015: “Prepare for the Nations” and Go Out “County by County”
As a part of this preparation for the nations, RHM credentialed its leaders according to how the Lord had already equipped them.
We were further encouraged by a visit in August 2014 from my Conference seat buddy from December 2012 and precious friend, Charmaine James from Beaumont, TX, who had her teams praying for us from the beginning.
The Waldensians and The Moravians
Then in November 2014, we followed through on a word that I (Yvonne) received around the beginning of 2014. The word that the Lord gave me was “go to a town in the northwest corner of Italy near the border of France”.
After following a series of Holy Spirit’s promptings, a small team from RHM took a prayer journey to the Pellice Valley, in the northwest corner of Italy near the border of France, to where a community of believers, the Waldensians, had lived who were faithful to the Word of God and the commandment to preach the gospel, even unto death.
The Waldensians were connected to the Moravians as the first nine brethren of the Moravians had asked the Waldensians to ordain them into the ministry (read more). Both groups had remnants plant communities in NC: the Moravians in Winston Salem including Moravian Falls in Wilkes County and the Waldensians in Valdese (Burke County).
Tie to PA
Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians also founded and named Bethlehem, PA. And it was there in Bethlehem, PA, in January 1990, that I (Yvonne) first had the dream/vision that led to the birth of this ministry. And like the Waldensians and the Moravians, RHM has been prophetically shining our light in the darkness by keeping watch over the Carolinas for the Lord.
Moving Forward!
Since January 2013, RHM has hosted His Presence at a monthly Worship & Prayer Gathering; has trained others to do the same from Charleston county in SC to Henderson and Union counties in NC to Philadelphia, PA; has strategically prayed over: the City of Charlotte; Mecklenburg County; Kingsport in TN; Charleston & Edgefield counties in SC; and we have held outreaches locally and in Haiti.
County to County
In May 2015, at the direction of the Lord, RHM has transitioned its Worship & Prayer Gatherings to move out county to county throughout the Carolinas to release whirlwinds of His glory and to truly connect earth with heaven’s rule and reign in our region. Please regularly check out our Itinerary to stay connected – we appreciate your praying with us and hope that you can personally join us from time to time in these great exploits for the advancement of the Lord’s kingdom.
2016 & Beyond: It’s time for the Harvest – Ephesians4Movement (E4M ) Launched!
Starting in January 2016, in fulfillment of our call as a Local & Regional Apostolic Center, RHM launched Ephesians4Movement (E4M) which includes Equipping activities and outreaches.
Ephesians 4:11-13: 11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.
It is time to gather and unite the Harvesters and go forth into the Harvest to make disciples of all nations!
Isaiah 61:1-4 (NLT),
1 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me,for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.2 He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favor has come,and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies.3 To all who mourn in Israel,he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory.4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago.They will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations.
Some Important Updates
In 2017, Yvonne was invited to become a part of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI), an apostolic-prophetic network led by Apostle-Prophet Chuck Pierce; and in 2018, she was commissioned by GSI as an apostle-prophet.

At the end of 2018, the Lord commissioned Yvonne to write the testimonies of the prophetic journey He had led her on for 30+ years into a book, An Oak of Righteousness: Grafting the Seeds of Destiny into the Root of Covenant. Click the image to order your copy today!
To stay updated with all the Lord has assigned for us to do in this region & beyond, keep checking this blog or “Like” our Facebook page. Also, check back regularly on our Itinerary post to see where we will be next!
If you are interested in our team serving your vision for transformation of your community through worship, prayer & outreach, please contact us!
To be a part of these and other mission assignments, please pray with us; please also consider making financial donations as Holy Spirit leads. Thank you!
Our Team in Action
Our Leadership along with Our Commissioned Ministers
Just like the Moravians of old who set The Lord’s Watch, and the Charlotte militia who forged the “Hornet’s Nest” for the sake of freedom, Lord we declare that we, your ragtag militia, this small company of your Triumphant Reserve, will defeat our enemies through strategic prayer & worship, disrupting their communication and permanently binding their influence and advancement; and we O Lord receive the strength of Your Hand and the help of Your warring angels who fight on our behalf as we advance Your Kingdom and enter into the Promises you have ordained for us!
Founding Apostle/President
Yvonne Hicks
Kevin Blash, Rosemerry Blash, Rebecca (Becky) Bozeman
Ordained Ministers
Yvonne Hicks, Doris Norwood, Kevin Blash, Rosemerry Blash, Charles (Dan) Eppley (Global Missions)
Licensed Ministers
Rebecca (Becky) Bozeman, Krystal Talley
Commissioned Ministers
Helen Goldman, Rachelle Blash
Honorary Elder
Momma Ann Strickland